Philadelphia & Photography

tyler constance // understated

A cozy personal newsletter of creative projects and life updates.

I traveled to Philadelphia for a new hire event.

What I've been up to

  • I'm one month into my new job and definitely still acclimating, but the most potent anxiety has subsided and I'm starting to feel comfortable with my role and teammates.
  • I just returned from a new hire event in Philadelphia, which gave me an excuse to spend a weekend in town as a tourist before the event started. I got to see an old college friend and walk around an unfamiliar city with my camera, which is always a pleasure. I’ll aim to post a few photographs by the next newsletter.
  • Right before starting at work, I visited the owner of the local tearoom to share a fancy raw pu-erh tea (I got a sample of the vintage Lincang pu-erh tasted at the end of this What’s Eating Dan video) as a last-chance midday afternoon slacking session. It tastes unbelievably smooth and is one of the most delicious teas I’ve ever had. It was exactly the right tea to share with good company, and it definitely makes me want to stash a few raw pu-erh cakes to age for a few decades, myself.
    • I also attended another tea tasting last week.
    • …And while I'm at it, I have some new tea and teaware arriving tomorrow. Invest in your hobbies 🍵
  • I made another painting. Still experimenting with personal styles, but I included a picture at the end
  • I realized that the Harrington jacket is a pillar of my personal wardrobe, so I bought a couple of vintage Baracuta G9 jackets from Britain. At this point I have an almost even split of jackets and shirts. I’ll write about this more at some point, but Harringtons feel sharp while being less formal than a blazer, which feels perfect for my everyday needs.

What I've been into

  • This past week, I've been listening to the new Killer Mike record more than anything else, but also made time for new releases from Origami Angel, Downhaul, and Home Is Where.
  • Last week WSTR got a bunch of playtime from me, and I still have to listen to the new King Krule a few more times too.
  • Midtown put out a cover EP and I got hooked on their cover of Safely from Hot Rod Circuit, which led me down a big Hot Rod Circuit kick.
  • I finished the Buster Keaton film series for the Blank Check podcast, and really connected with these films. Highly recommend digging into this filmography sometime! Most of the films are about an hour, and super easy to watch. Sherlock Jr. (1924) was my favorite, and I have a chance to see Our Hospitality (1923) on 16mm a little later this summer.


  • My trip was a reminder of how liberating it is to be a light packer. I packed a change of clothes, some tea and teaware, and my camera gear all into a mini duffel with plenty of room to spare. I also brought along a small briefcase with my work laptop (required for the event I attended), but it was super easy to walk around the city with these before I could check in/after I checked out, and airport security was a breeze. Plus, people seem confounded when they see a tiny travel bag, which just feels fun.
  • Maybe I’ll get a box miter to make my own stretcher bars at home.
  • I still need more plants at my apartment.

What about you?

Up to anything interesting? Have any thoughts or feelings after reading this? If you want to reach out for any reason, just reply to this email and I’ll write you back ✉️✨

tyler constance // understated

A cozy personal newsletter of creative projects and life updates.


A cozy personal newsletter of creative projects and life updates.

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