Peaks Island & Star Trek

It’s been a little quieter at work recently, so I’ve had a lot more creative energy for personal projects at the end of the day.

What I've been up to

  • Historically, I write about one blog post a year, and last week I did two, which could be a good sign of things to come, or could mean the next handful of newsletters are going to be very quiet.
  • Last summer, my friend Michele visited Portland and we spent a day on Peaks Island in Maine to make some photographs. I finally got around to processing the film and writing a post for my photo site.
  • If you’ve ever been curious about Star Trek, I finished my personal guide to getting into the franchise, Starter Trek. This hasn’t been tested on human subjects friends yet, but I have a few volunteers lined up to try, and I’ll likely continue to update and adjust as I get feedback, and as new shows continue to be released. It’s like 4000 words though, so you may wanna sit down.
  • I’ve been feeling excited about photography again, so I’m looking into getting some of my work printed. At the moment I don’t have any plans to sell prints or anything; I just want some nice things to look at, and to have something to hand to friends who visit and want to see some of my work.

What I've been into

  • Pool Kids put out a new record a few weeks ago, and I cannot put it down (BandCamp, Spotify, Apple Music). It’s that flavor of dreamy indie/emo-pop that I find totally irresistible. Favorite tracks so far: I Hope You’re Right, Arm’s Length.
  • The latest Maggie Rogers record is excellent too (Spotify, Apple Music).
  • The Prey movie which just premiered on Hulu was a blast, and deserves all the praise it’s getting. Give it a try if you’re interested in a monster action/horror movie set in 1719 with an all-Comanche cast (and Comanche dub!).
  • I’ve started working my way into the Sandman adaptation on Netflix. I was nervous about starting it because Neil Gaiman’s Sandman is probably my favorite comic series (it’s tied up there with Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing run, at least), but I’m a few episodes in and really enjoying it.


The plants in my neighbor’s window look so cool. Maybe I should get into plants 🌱

What about you?

Up to anything interesting? Have any thoughts or feelings after reading this? If you want to reach out for any reason, just reply to this email and I’ll write you back ✉️✨


A cozy personal newsletter of creative projects and life updates.

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tyler constance // understated A cozy personal newsletter of creative projects and life updates. I've been using a lot more paper recently. What I've been up to I wrote up a blog post about my zine experiment from the previous newsletter with a few more details. With the year wrapped up, I've been going through year-end reviews and stats, as one does. My year in review shows me my most-listened to artist was nothing,nowhere. and my most-listened to album was Fiddlehead's 2023 record...

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