Prints, Paintings, & Podcasts

I had a four-day weekend and took advantage of every moment

What I've been up to

  • Since I had a half-finished roll of color film in one of my cameras from a few weeks ago, I had an excuse to photograph someone else last week. We went to Two Lights State Park, accidentally stayed 20 minutes past close (for which I felt terrible because an employee probably needed to stay late), and then ordered a bunch of Indian food. I’ll send film in later, but in the meantime, there’s a digital preview below.
  • I finally ordered some frames and prints! I’m long overdue to have some of my photographs from recent years on paper and in my hands. Getting in the habit of making zines of printed work is going to be my next personal project.
  • I picked up some stretcher bars at the art shop, stretched and primed two canvases, and painted them both, with plans to work on more. I haven’t posted any of my paintings over the past few years (you currently just have to see them at my apartment), but I’ll consider making a post. This time around I decided to do something Franz Kline inspired.
  • Some former coworkers invited me to play Destiny with them this week (I’ve been on another long video game hiatus), and it’s a joy to have some friendly banter in my evenings. I occasionally take for granted how much of a social activity games with friends can be, and I ought to make more time for it.

What I've been into

  • I finally got around to giving Siracusa my money for Reconcilable Differences, his podcast with Merlin Mann. It’s a show I’ve listened to for seven years and I feel very close (parasocially) to the hosts.
  • I started watching the SPY×FAMILY anime after getting a couple of recommendations for it, and it’s a total blast. Very up my alley, and one of the better things I’ve seen recently.


  • With the seasons changing, I’m thinking about autumn records and upcoming autumn releases. And sweaters, and hot beverages, and The Twilight Zone, and tweed, and leaves. It’s about that time 🍂
  • I’m also reaching for blankets more often, and feeling that back-of-the-mind simmering anxiety wondering how I’m going to cope with another dark, cold, uncomfortable winter.

What about you?

Up to anything interesting? Have any thoughts or feelings after reading this? If you want to reach out for any reason, just reply to this email and I’ll write you back ✉️✨


A cozy personal newsletter of creative projects and life updates.

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tyler constance // understated A cozy personal newsletter of creative projects and life updates. I've been using a lot more paper recently. What I've been up to I wrote up a blog post about my zine experiment from the previous newsletter with a few more details. With the year wrapped up, I've been going through year-end reviews and stats, as one does. My year in review shows me my most-listened to artist was nothing,nowhere. and my most-listened to album was Fiddlehead's 2023 record...

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